Dogmatic reaches Brazil! I just want to let you know that the collars are working great here in Brazil.
I can now walk both my dogs to their favourite playground with no stress! Here are a couple of photos of the
newest Brazilian Dogmatic fans! Our dogs are Lek and Pequeno. Lek is the bigger one with the pointy ears!
A double first has been reached – Dogmatic’s first customers in
Vietnam, and these customers are the first Leonberger dogs in
Harley and his sisters Happy and Hanna came to Vietnam as puppies
during 2012 with their Vietnamese owners who had returned from
living in Germany. The dogs came from the ‘von der Unstrutranch’
kennels in Germany.
The constant heat and humidity means that the dogs live indoors
in a shaded room with fans, and are only walked early morning and
during the evening. Their friend Sonja walks them each morning:
“Even though the dogs live in a quieter part of the city, they live in
busy and noisy Ho Chi Minh city. I walk the three dogs together by
myself and wanted a kind but strong means of control. The dogs
have to cope with the constant annoyance of people rushing up
to photograph them, children shrieking in terror at their size,
motorbikes whizzing by (the city has over 5 million motor bikes),
chickens running free, street cats, and the occasional snake. The
Dogmatic headcollars have provided a safe means of control so
I can manage them by myself.
Besides training these dogs I have even ’trained’ a cafe to serve a
latte for me and ice cubes for the dogs each morning. The waitresses
approach us very carefully.”
As promised, please find attached a photo of our Spinone (Kory)
wearing her new Dogmatic. Sorry for the delay – the weather was
quite sad and rainy in Moscow during last three weeks. Yes, the collar
system you invented works unbelievably perfect. For the first time in
our life we can really enjoy walking with Spinone. You can add this to
your wide collection of good feedback from happy customers.
Training is going very very well. As you can see on the photo he looks pretty
relaxed with the collar on. This is a real wondertool to me! The big issue with
our big fellow is “Great!! Other dogs!! Let’s go to play with them :-)” Big
problem especially during training at the dog school. I could hardly hold him
when he was pulling towards other dogs, now he is a little lamb!! I always
win I just need a fraction of the power I needed before to hold him.
This Dogmatic collar is like a magic tool for me! Dominique from Belgium.
I realized I haven’t actually taken a picture of Cash WORKING in the
head collar yet! So, today on campus I decided to do something
different and take it as an action shot. It worked in one sense because
we were going slightly down hill so I could take the picture without
propelling myself. But we were also going at a trot into a little wind so
he is Mr. Squinty-face, Ah well!! I LOVE this piece of gear, BTW!
It’s helping us with EXACTLY what I was hoping for!
He’s controlling his air sniffing MUCH better, and because of that he’s
not drifting away from me as much either! I’m excited this piece of
gear is gonna help us reach our ultimate goals. He is only wearing it
about 2 hours max right now, but it’s successful period of wear!
The harness and leash got here just fine. Thought I would share a picture of Tawal our Leonberger. USA
Just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with the Dogmatic Headcollar. I chose the Dogmatic original
leather Headcollar for both looks and strength… It was recommended to me by another Great Dane owner,
as the only type of Headcollar where the nose strap doesn’t get in the dogs eyes, and I can confirm that it
has a perfect fit for Danes. My Great Dane girl, Vinnie, is a rescue dog with a sad history, and despite a year
of intensive training, I’ve had to realise that she is still too hard to handle in certain situations – like when she
spots another dog or a cat on our walks. A Dane is strong enough to pull you through a hedge – I know this
from personal experience!!
With the Dogmatic Headcollar I now have much more control, and I no longer have to worry about what
might happen if I walk her in a crowded place. The best part is the very short time it took her to get used to
wearing the collar – it gives her no discomfort at all, and she even willingly puts her nose in the collar when
it’s time to get dressed for a walk!
I chose the original leather Headcollar for both looks and strength. All in all – thanks for a great product at a
very reasonable price! And fast overseas shipping too!
Kind regards
Christel, Denmark
Helen Asquith, Sheffield
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